Steel Planters
Our new square metal planters and garden troughs complement our popular circular steel planters. The zinc galvanized steel garden planters are designed for exterior use. Bespoke planters also available.
Circular planters
Our round zinc galvanized planters have drainage holes and raised feet for added stability, and large enough for the most sumptuous displays.
Square planters – New
A superior square planter designed for external use. A raised base, substantial corner legs for stability and an elegant top for easy lifting.
Trough planters – New
A garden trough is ideal for large plant displays or mature hedging for instant screening – perfect for balconies or roof terraces.
Circular Planters
18” Medium Planter
A zinc galvanized steel planter designed with drainage holes and raised feet.
24” Large Planter
A large round galvanized steel planter with drainage holes and raised feet.
30” X Large Planter
This extra large circular steel planter is ideal for large shrubs and small trees.
18” x 28″ Tall Planter
This tall round metal planter is perfect for flanking a doorway with bay trees.
Square Planters
20” Medium Planter
This zinc galvanized square planter has a raised base and strong corner legs.
24” Large Planter
This large square planter has a welded steel construction for extra strength.
28” X Large Planter
This extra large steel planter for outdoors is the perfect solution for big plants.
36” XX Large Planter
This enormous planter is the perfect size for specimen trees or extra large displays.
Tall Square Planters
16” x 28″ Tall Planter
This tall square planter is made from solid steel and zinc galvanized.
Troughs & Tall Troughs
36” Medium Trough
A zinc galvanized steel trough suitable for most terrace and garden settings.
48” Large Trough
A large garden trough for use with larger shrubs or exterior planting displays.
36″ Medium Tall Trough
An ideal tall steel trough for creating a screen or barrier with instant hedging.
48” Large Tall Trough
A large tall planter trough for external use with mature plants for privacy.
Troughs with Contemporary Trellis
36″ Trellis Trough
Create instant screening with our square or diamond metal trellis panels.
48″ Trellis Trough
The ideal solution for stand alone trellis panels and planters for privacy.
36″ Trellis Tall Trough
Taller trough but shallower depth when outdoor space is at a premium.
48″ Trellis Tall Trough
A larger planter trough with trellis to provide instant support for climbers.